Luoghi in Australia che sono classificati secche
> a
Abbot Shoal (secche),
Abbott Shoal (secche),
Ackers Shoal (secche),
Adèle Island Shoal (secche),
Adroit Shoal (secche),
Afgan Shoal (secche),
Alagna Shoal (secche),
Alarm Shoal (secche),
Amphinome Shoals (secche),
Anchor Shoal (secche),
Anonyma Shoal (secche),
Archdeacon Ledge (secche),
Archer Shoal (secche),
Arkwright Shoal (secche),
Arthur the Great Spit (secche),
Ashworth Shoal (secche),
Asp Shoals (secche),
Australind Shoal (secche)> b
Ballerina Shoal (secche),
Bamborough Shoal (secche),
Barcao Shoal (secche),
Barcoo Shoal (secche),
Barrow Island Shoal (secche),
Barrow Island Shoals (secche),
Baskerville Shoal (secche),
Bass Shoal (secche),
Bateman Shoal (secche),
Baxendell Shoal (secche),
Beagle Knoll (secche),
Beagle Shoals (secche),
Beaver Shoal (secche),
Beejaling Shoals (secche),
Bejaling Shoals (secche),
Bennett Shoal (secche),
Bennett Shoal (secche),
Beresford Shoal (secche),
Beresford Shoals (secche),
Bill Shoal (secche),
Blackbird Shoal (secche),
Blackwood Shoals (secche),
Bolton Shoal (secche),
Bombard Shoal (secche),
Boomerang Shoal (secche),
Bowra Shoals (secche),
Bramble Patches (secche),
Breaksea Spit (secche),
Bremner Shoal (secche),
Brennan Shoal (secche),
Brew Shoal (secche),
Bridget Shoal (secche),
Britomart Shoal (secche),
Brook Shoal (secche),
Brook Shoal (secche),
Brooks Shoal (secche),
Bungaree Shoals (secche),
Burley Shoal (secche)> c
Calder Shoal (secche),
Cameron Shoal (secche),
Campbell Shoal (secche),
Camplin Shoal (secche),
Cape Peron Flats (secche),
Cardale Patch (secche),
Carpentaria Shoal (secche),
Casuarina Shoal (secche),
Cave Shoal (secche),
Chasm Shoal (secche),
Chefs Shoal (secche),
Chevy Shoal (secche),
Chimmo Shoal (secche),
Chyebassa Shoal (secche),
Clan Macdougall Shoal (secche),
Clark Shoal (secche),
Clark Shoal (secche),
Cliff Head Break (secche),
Cody Bank (secche),
Cody Shoal (secche),
Cody Shoal (secche),
Conder Shoal (secche),
Convay Shoal (secche),
Conway Shoal (secche),
Cooper Shoal (secche),
Cootamundra Shoal (secche),
Cornelisse Shoal (secche),
Corner Break (secche),
Corona Bank (secche),
Corona Shoal (secche),
Cotton Shoal (secche),
Courtenay Shoal (secche),
Cowan Patches (secche),
Coxon Shoal (secche),
Craven Patches (secche),
Crompton Shoals (secche),
Crooked Sands (secche),
Curlew Sand (secche)> d
Dailey Shoal (secche),
Danger Shoal (secche),
Dart Shoal (secche),
Dart Shoal (secche),
Dayman Spit (secche),
Denman Shoal (secche),
Dillon Shoals (secche),
Dingo Reef (secche),
Dingo Shoal (secche),
Donovan Shoal (secche),
Doolan Shoal (secche),
Douglas Shoal (secche),
Downward Patches (secche),
Drake Shoals (secche),
Drew Shoal (secche),
Drumfish Shoal (secche),
Dudly Shoal (secche),
Duffield Ridge (secche),
Dummy Break (secche),
D’Artagnan Shoal (secche)> e
East Shoal (secche),
Eastern Shoal (secche),
Eclipse Shoal (secche),
Edith Breaker (secche),
Edwards Shoal (secche),
Edwards Shoal (secche),
Edwards Shoals (secche),
Elbow Shoal (secche),
Elbow Shoal (secche),
Emily Patches (secche),
Entrance Deep (secche),
Entrance Shoal (secche),
Ethel Sand (secche)> f
Fairway Bank (secche),
Fairway Shoals (secche),
Fanning Shoal (secche),
Fantome Shoal (secche),
Farm Shoal (secche),
Fenton Patches (secche),
Ferdinand Shoal (secche),
Ferguson Spit (secche),
Ferris Shoal (secche),
Festing Shoal (secche),
Filmoy Shoal (secche),
Fitzpatrick Shoal (secche),
Five Fingers (secche),
Flinders Shoal (secche),
Flinders Shoal (secche),
Fly Shoal (secche),
Four Fathom Patches (secche),
Fox Shoal (secche),
French Shoal (secche),
Frost Shoal (secche)> g
Gellibrand Shoal (secche),
Geographe Shoals (secche),
Geranium Shoal (secche),
Giles Shoal (secche),
Gio Batta Patch (secche),
Glomar Shoal (secche),
Gneering Shoal (secche),
Gneering Shoals (secche),
Goodrich Bank (secche),
Goodwin Shoal (secche),
Great Sand (secche),
Grey Shoal (secche),
Gunga Shoal (secche),
Guthrie Shoal (secche)> h
Haberfield Shoal (secche),
Hally Bayley Shoal (secche),
Hammersley Shoal (secche),
Hancock Shoal (secche),
Hancox Shoal (secche),
Hardstaff Shoals (secche),
Harrison Shoal (secche),
Harry Shoals (secche),
Hastings Shoal (secche),
Hawley Shoal (secche),
Heath Shoals (secche),
Helen Shoal (secche),
Herald Patches (secche),
Herald Patches (secche),
Hervey Shoals (secche),
Hinkler Patches (secche),
Hogmanay Shoal (secche),
Hogmany Shoal (secche),
Holbrow Bank (secche),
Holt Shoal (secche),
Honduras Bank (secche),
Hovell Shoal (secche),
Howland Shoals (secche),
Hunt Shoal (secche),
Hutchison Shoal (secche)> i
Innamincka Shoal (secche),
Inner King Shoal (secche),
Inner Knoll (secche),
Inner Northwest Patch (secche),
Inner Rip Shoal (secche),
Iron Whyalla Shoal (secche)> j
Jacobus West Shoal (secche),
Jane Shoal (secche),
Janssen Shoal (secche),
Jenny Louise Shoal (secche),
Jenny Louise Shoal (secche),
Jervoise Bank (secche),
Jew Shoal (secche),
John Garrow Shoal (secche),
Johnson Patch (secche),
Jonas Shoal (secche),
Jones Bank (secche),
Jones Patch (secche),
Jones Shoal (secche),
Judith Shoal (secche),
Justice Shoal (secche)> k
Kangaroo Shoals (secche),
Karen Shoal (secche),
Keast Shoal (secche),
Kennedy Shoal (secche),
Kilgour Shoal (secche),
King Shoals (secche),
Kurumba Shoal (secche)> l
Labyinthian Shoals (secche),
Lake Shoals (secche),
Landing Shoal (secche),
Larkin Shoal (secche),
Lawrey Shoal (secche),
Le Hunte Shoal (secche),
Leeper Shoal (secche),
Levillain Shoal (secche),
Llewellyn Shoal (secche),
Lloyd Shoal (secche),
Lockyer Shoal (secche),
Loee Patches (secche),
Long Shoal (secche),
Long Shoal (secche),
Long Shoal (secche),
Long Spit (secche),
Lord Mayor Shoal (secche),
Lorikeet Shoal (secche),
Lorinna Shoal (secche),
Lorna Shoal (secche),
Louise Shoal (secche),
Lowry Shoal (secche),
Lynedoch Bank (secche),
Lynedoch Bank (secche),
Lynedoch Shoal (secche),
Lynedock Bank (secche)> m
Madeleine Shoals (secche),
Madford Shoals (secche),
Margaret Shoal (secche),
Marilyn Shoal (secche),
Mars Shoal (secche),
Marsh Shoal (secche),
Maschke Shoal (secche),
Mataram Shoal (secche),
Melanie Shoal (secche),
Merkara Shoal (secche),
Mermaid Shoal (secche),
Merrie England (secche),
Mesquite Shoal (secche),
Middle Bank (secche),
Middle Bank (secche),
Middle Bank (secche),
Middle Bank (secche),
Middle Ground (secche),
Middle Ground (secche),
Middle Ground (secche),
Middle Ground (secche),
Middle King Shoal (secche),
Middle Shoal (secche),
Miles Shoal (secche),
Minilya Bank (secche),
Minilya Sandbank (secche),
Money Shoal (secche),
Moonta Shoal (secche),
Moresby Shoals (secche),
Morinda Shoal (secche),
Moss Shoal (secche)> n
Nardana Patches (secche),
Naringla Shoal (secche),
Nelsons Shoal (secche),
Newby Shoal (secche),
Nicholson Knoll (secche),
Nicolette Shoal (secche),
North Breaker (secche),
North Khandalla Shoal (secche),
North Patch (secche),
North Riordan Shoal (secche),
North Tail (secche),
North West Bank (secche),
North West Spit (secche),
Nowland Shoal (secche)> o
Obstruction Shoals (secche),
Ommaney Shoals (secche),
Ommanney Shoals (secche),
Oom Shoal (secche),
Orange Shoal (secche),
Orari Bank (secche),
Orion Shoal (secche),
Osborn Shoal (secche),
Oswald Shoal (secche),
Outer King Shoal (secche),
Outer Knoll (secche),
Outer Northwest Patch (secche),
Outer Rip Shoal (secche),
Outer Shoal (secche),
Owens Shoal (secche),
O’Grady Shoal (secche)> p
Packman Shoal (secche),
Paluma (secche),
Paluma Shoal (secche),
Paluma Shoals (secche),
Panther Shoal (secche),
Panton Reef (secche),
Panton Shoal (secche),
Panton Shoals (secche),
Park Shoal (secche),
Parmelia Bank (secche),
Parry Shoal (secche),
Paterson Shoal (secche),
Patterson Shoal (secche),
Paxton Shoal (secche),
Payne Shoal (secche),
Pear Shoal (secche),
Pear Shoals (secche),
Pearl Shoal (secche),
Pearl Shoals (secche),
Peebles Shoal (secche),
Peron Flats (secche),
Petrel Bank (secche),
Petricola Shoal (secche),
Pincombe Shoal (secche),
Pipon Shoals (secche),
Pitt Shoals (secche),
Point Davenport Shoal (secche),
Point Lowly Shoal (secche),
Point Richards Bank (secche),
Point Wilson Bank (secche),
Popes Eye Bank (secche),
Porpoise Shoal (secche),
Porpoise Shoal (secche),
Prince George Bank (secche),
Prince Terry Shoal (secche),
Proudfoot Shoal (secche),
Providence Shoal (secche),
Prudhoe Shoal (secche),
Publican Shoals (secche),
Pullar Patches (secche)> r
Raaf Shoals (secche),
Radford Shoals (secche),
Rainbow Shoals (secche),
Raper Shoal (secche),
Rat Tail Sand (secche),
Rattlesnake Shoal (secche),
Reeves Shoal (secche),
Reeves Shoals (secche),
Regan Shoal (secche),
Renard Shoal (secche),
Renard Shoals (secche),
Reyne Shoal (secche),
Ridge Shoal (secche),
Riley Shoal (secche),
Ripple Shoals (secche),
Ritland Shoal (secche),
Robbie Shoal (secche),
Roberts Shoal (secche),
Rock Cod Shoal (secche),
Roller Shoal (secche),
Roller Shoal (secche),
Rosalind Shoal (secche),
Rosella Shoal (secche),
Rosemary Shoal (secche),
Rosily Shoals (secche),
Royal George Shoal (secche)> s
Sandon Shoal (secche),
Sandy Cape Shoal (secche),
Sandy Shoals (secche),
Saunders Patch (secche),
Schofield Shoal (secche),
Scott Ledge (secche),
Sharon Shoal (secche),
Sharon Shoal (secche),
Shell Patch (secche),
Shepherds Patch (secche),
Shepparton Shoal (secche),
Sheriff Shoal (secche),
Skottowe Shoal (secche),
Slattery Shoal (secche),
Sloper Shoal (secche),
Smythe Shols (secche),
Snake Cays (secche),
Snapper Shoal (secche),
South Breaker (secche),
South Khandalla Shoal (secche),
South Meda Shoal (secche),
South Meda Shoal (secche),
South Patch (secche),
South Riordan Shoal (secche),
South Sand (secche),
South West Patch (secche),
Specie Shoal (secche),
Spit Patch (secche),
Stephens Bank (secche),
Stewart Shoal (secche),
Stewart Shoal (secche),
Stony Shoal (secche),
Success Bank (secche),
Sullivan Shoal (secche),
Surprise Shoal (secche),
Suzanne Shoal (secche)> t
Taiwan Shoal (secche),
Taiyuan Shoal (secche),
Tangier Shoal (secche),
Tangier Shoals (secche),
Tannadice Shoal (secche),
Tapley Shoal (secche),
Taylor Patches (secche),
Telegraph Shoal (secche),
Temple Shoal (secche),
Tessa Shoals (secche),
The Scraper (secche),
Thimble Shoal (secche),
Thread Shoal (secche),
Throne Shoals (secche),
Till Shoal (secche),
Tink Shoal (secche),
Tompson Shoal (secche),
Tongue Shoal (secche),
Tongue Shoals (secche),
Torch Shoal (secche),
Troubridge Shoals (secche),
Tupper Shoal (secche),
Turn Shoal (secche),
Turning Point Patches (secche),
Turtle Dove Shoal (secche)> u
Underwood Shoal (secche),
Urchin Shoal (secche)> v
Vansittart Shoals (secche),
Var Shoal (secche),
Varzin Shoal (secche),
Vaughan Shoal (secche),
Venus Shoal (secche),
Very Shoal (secche),
Veteran Shoal (secche),
Veteran Shoal (secche),
Victoria Shoal (secche),
Violet Shoal (secche),
Virago Shoal (secche),
Viscount Shoals (secche)> w
Walker Shoal (secche),
Walker Shoal (secche),
Waller Shoal (secche),
Wapet Shoal (secche),
Waratah Shoal (secche),
Watson Patch (secche),
Wedge Spit (secche),
Weeks Shoal (secche),
Wells Patches (secche),
West Shoal (secche),
West Shoal (secche),
Western Shoal (secche),
Wheatley Shoal (secche),
White Shoal (secche),
Wilds Shoal (secche),
Williams Shoal (secche),
Wilsen Shoal (secche),
Wilson Shoal (secche),
Wilson Shoal (secche),
Wilson Spit (secche),
Winter Shoal (secche),
Wolverine Shoal (secche),
Wonga Shoal (secche),
Wooden Patch (secche),
Wreck Shoal (secche)> y
Yaralla Shoal (secche),
Yatala Shoal (secche)