Luoghi in Australia che comincia con la lettera "newca"
Newcastle (luogo abitato),
Newcastle Bay (baia),
Newcastle Beach (spiaggia),
Newcastle Bight (baia),
Newcastle Bridge (ponte),
Newcastle College of Advanced Education (college),
Newcastle Creek (fiume),
Newcastle Creek (fiume),
Newcastle Creek (fiume),
Newcastle Creek (fiume),
Newcastle District Park (parco),
Newcastle Ferry Terminal (molto),
Newcastle Harbour (porto),
Newcastle High School (scuola),
Newcastle Public School (scuola),
Newcastle Range (montagne),
Newcastle Range (montagne),
Newcastle Showground (riserva),
Newcastle Showground and Exhibition Centre (riserva),
Newcastle Technical College (college),
Newcastle Technical High School (scuola),
Newcastle Waters (fiume),
Newcastle Waters (),
Newcastle Waters School (scuola)